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10 Types of Funeral Services from Which to Choose

Funeral services are as individual as people and explicit instructions are often left before people pass on. It’s important to honour the wishes of the deceased as well as provide closure for their family and friends. Arranging a funeral is a difficult and stressful time so we’ve listed 10 types of funeral services you can use as a base to decide how you’d like to say goodbye to your loved one. Remember, the funeral service you choose can be as personalised as you want, and these are just ideas to help you get started.

Traditional Funeral

The traditional funeral is still one of the most popular ways to send off your loved one, and you can add your own personal touches. It consists of a gathering of friends and family, often in a church, chapel, or other venue, with the casket present. People have the opportunity to deliver a eulogy or to talk about and remember the deceased fondly, after which the casket is taken to the burial site or to the crematorium. Family and friends can then pay their final respects before burial or cremation.

Direct Cremation

With a direct cremation there is no service or funeral. Once the cremation is complete the remains of the deceased are returned to the family who can either keep them or perform a scattering ceremony later.

Memorial Service

A memorial service is much like a traditional funeral except the deceased is not present. You can choose to have a memorial service at any time.

Graveside Burial

A graveside burial is a traditional funeral service held at the burial site itself. Friends and family come together at the burial site for a short service and eulogy before the casket is committed to the ground. In some religions, there is sometimes the tradition to participate by shovelling some soil onto the casket.

Service and Burial

A service and burial offers the same basics as a traditional funeral but with the opportunity for more personalisation. A service is held at a venue that formed a part of the life of the deceased, and then the mourners make their way to the graveside for the burial itself.

Direct Burial

A direct burial has no formal funeral or service. The funeral home arranges the burial of the casket.

A Wake

A wake was commonly held before the funeral but in Australia it’s more likely to be held after the burial or cremation. Friends and family gather together, often in the home of the deceased, to share memories and celebrate the life of their loved one.

Celebration of Life

A celebration of life is a personalised gathering that can occur any time after the funeral, even years. It’s a way to keep the memory of the deceased alive.

Scattering Ceremony

A scattering ceremony is where the family scatters the cremated remains of the deceased in a place that had significant meaning to them. It can be held at any time after the cremation.

Arranging a Funeral

As a family owned and operated funeral home, Personal Farewells understands the importance of family, and we’re here to support, guide and help you choose the right funeral service and a meaningful farewell for your loved one. We offer a range of affordable funerals to help you honour and celebrate their life, with genuine compassion and personalised services to suit your individual requirements.

Call us on 1300 95 95 33, email us on [email protected], or fill out our contact form for more information and support to help you through the funeral process.

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