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Stillborn Funerals: Three Reasons Why Our Clients Choose Personal Farewells

Losing a child is something that no parent should ever have to experience, and the heartbreaking reality of losing a child through stillbirth can be a tough hardship to endure. Grieving parents often feel an incredible sense of loss that may make the mourning process particularly difficult.

In these trying times, it is essential for families and friends to provide emotional support in any way they can, ensuring that grieving mothers and fathers don’t have to face the pain alone. With understanding, patience and love, a family can start to heal, even while enduring immense grief.

Here at Personal Farewells, we understand that experiencing the loss of stillbirth can be one of life’s most difficult and heartbreaking realities. It is for this reason that we are deeply committed to providing our clients with all the help and support they need during this challenging time.

We have written this blog to provide some insight and comfort into what accompanies the funeral of a stillborn, helping our clients towards healing during such times of tragic loss.

What’s Involved

As a starting point it’s necessary to understand any applicable legal requirements. The standard definition used for stillbirths in Australia is a foetal death prior to the birth of a baby born at 20 weeks gestation or more, and/or weighing 400 grams or more. In most states and territories, it’s a legal requirement to arrange a burial or cremation for your stillborn baby.

Although funerals for stillborns can be challenging to organise, the process is an essential and important part of mourning for families.

With the compassionate help of funeral professionals, parents can be supported during this difficult time as they take steps toward healing by honouring their precious baby in a meaningful way. Planning a funeral for a stillborn child is never easy, but it offers families a way to start to come to terms with their loss and begin the journey of grief.

We Can Help You During this Difficult Time

At Personal Farewells, we strive to provide sympathetic and respectful support for our clients. Our funerals for stillborns are designed as a lasting tribute to commemorate the short lives of these dearly beloved babies. With our client’s well-being as a priority, our services have been designed to provide a number of key features.

High-Touch Customised Service

We understand how difficult a stillbirth can be for parents. That is why our High-Touch Customised Stillborn Funeral Service provides the compassion and care needed during this time. Each of our services is tailored to meet each family’s needs, so they can honour their baby in a way that feels right for them.

Our team takes the time to explain our services and answer any questions parents may have before, during, or after the funeral ceremony. We believe that communication is an essential part of providing compassionate care. Our team is dedicated to remaining easily accessible and open in order to ensure that parents are aware of how they can be supported during this difficult time.

Flexible Funeral Arrangements

We strive to make funeral arrangements for a stillborn child as flexible and respectful as possible. We provide parents with a range of options to give their baby an appropriate send-off, from an intimate gathering for close family members to creating meaningful memories with special mementos designed just for them.

Some of the options we offer include:

  • Private viewing at our viewing room
  • Arranging hand, feet and finger prints for keepsake memorial options
  • Options for special moments and memories such as meaningful photos

Understanding that there is an extreme level of grief after the loss of a baby, we do not add any unnecessary financial fees, removing any unnecessary financial stress in such an emotional time.

With our compassionate and experienced service, we ensure that each funeral is tailored according to the wishes of the family so they are able to say goodbye in the way they feel most comfortable. We take pride in providing a lasting tribute that pays tribute not only to the life of their precious baby, but also brings comfort during this heartbreaking time.

Unmatched Support For Family & Love Ones

We are dedicated to providing compassionate, professional support in the difficult times following a stillbirth. We take pride in delivering 24/7 personalised guidance and comfort when families are dealing with the heartbreaking loss of their unborn child.

With sensitivity and understanding, we help families to understand their options for organising a funeral that will properly commemorate the life of their beloved baby. Families can lean on us and trust that their loved one will be cared for with compassion and thoughtfulness, helping them to find some solace in an unimaginably tough situation.

Funerals for stillborns are heartbreaking events that no family should ever have to endure. Yet, with the right support and guidance, it can be the first step in allowing a grieving family to move forward with their lives.

A funeral provides closure much needed after the loss of a beloved child who never had the chance to come into this world. It is an essential part of the healing process and allows those mourning to start on the path toward letting go and coping with the pain. Professionals who specialise in counselling have a unique understanding of how families cope when facing traumatic loss; as such, it is recommended that a trusted resource be found during these trying times.

We hope this blog has been informative and has given you further insights into such a sensitive subject.

Personal Farewells is dedicated to providing families with lasting memories and closure after the death of a loved one, especially when it comes to stillborn funerals. We provide a 24×7 high-touch, customised service that caters specifically to the needs and wishes of those grieving.

In addition, we provide flexible funeral arrangements giving parents a range of options to give their baby a send-off suited to their specific needs. Above all else, our mission is to provide unmatched support for family and friends along every step on their path of grieving and healing.

Should you have any further questions or would like to discuss any matter in detail, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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